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How to install Python Libraries to run on AWS Lambda functions

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    Bruno da Silva Valenga

A big problem when compiling Python libraries to use in our Lambda on AWS is using our computer (windows/macox/Linux) to assemble it. We starting to facing some issues because when you install a python package using pip, for example, Python knows that our machine has some libs that don't need to be recompiled because our machine will offer it to our library.

When we use Lambda, it can be a big issue because AWS's lambda image to run our function doesn't provide the same lib's that our machine offers us.

AWS uses some runtimes to run our Lambda, and you can check it out here. Also, you can set up a customise runtime, but I'll not cover it now.

So, how to solve this problem?

With a simple tool called Docker 😎

If you don't know what's Docker or never used it before, please leave this page now and read: What is a Container? ASAP.

We will use a docker image called lambic/lambda that replicates all the environment runtime where our Lambda runs. The developers define this docker image as a sandboxed local environment that almost identically replicates the live AWS Lambda environment, including installed software and libraries, file structure and permissions, environment variables, context objects and behaviours, and even the user and running process are the same.

They provide a lot of runtimes, not just for Python. You will find runtimes for all the Languages that Lambda offers you. You can check all the runtimes here.

Let's code. The difference: When we install some package, for example, Pillow using our computer with a simple pip install:

$ pip3 install Pillow

After installing the library in a specific local folder, we can see the library source code on the .venv local folder. We can see a standard package, but if we deploy it into our lambda function, we face some problems because our lambda runtime doesn't provide some libs.

$ ~/Projects/lambdas/img/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PIL > master ❯ l
total 3640
drwxr-xr-x 102 brunodasilvalenga staff 3.2K Oct 3 11:56 .
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And if we install the Python package using the docker image that we commented on before? Let's try:

docker run -it -w /work -v $(pwd):/work lambci/lambda:build-python3.8 "source .venv/bin/activate && pip3 install -r requirements.txt"

We can see that our folder contains different content, like this package libs.

$ ~/Projects/lambdas/img/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/.libs > master ❯ l
total 8664
drwxr-xr-x 13 brunodasilvalenga staff 416B Aug 10 2020 .
drwxr-xr-x 103 brunodasilvalenga staff 3.2K Oct 3 11:57 ..
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What happened here? Our docker image doesn't provide some SO lib's and Python needs them to compile the library. So Python will compile the libs for us and offer them like Python libs and not more SO libs.

If we update our Lambda with the new packages, we can see that our problem with lib packages was solved 🙌.

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